Thursday 27th April saw the first of the new OurCity2030 Employers’ Forums, kindly hosted at Our Media’s fantastic auditorium, with 70+ professionals coming together to deliberate over the challenges and solutions with talks and breakout workshops looking at equity, diversity and inclusion.
Many thanks for the dynamic discussions and our speakers/ panelists: Victoria James, HR Director at Green State, the digital product and design agency who gave invaluable hands-on advice on diverse talent pull through; honest and open observations on the agency’s EDI strategy and plans that included “the fear of getting it wrong”, and the value of access to advisory support, such as Babbasa, as an open channel to offer advice and training;
Shakerah Williams – a Babbasa Trailblazer, whose now working at Bevan Brittan law firm as a Bid Executive, shared a young person’s experience navigating career progression;
And Dr Emmanuel Adukwu, Deputy Head of School for Applied Sciences at UWE, spoke of the challenges and solutions around social mobility and intersectionality within the workplace and further education, from his personal and professional perspectives.
We need your feedback: the Employers’ Forum is designed to help you and your business to not only access and hire underrepresented diverse talent, but also enhance your inclusive work culture. Tell us views and comments as we look to plan the next editions:
Please contact – for further information on sponsorship of the Forums and how to get involved in OurCity2030.